Land Conservation Options

The Northwest Arkansas Land Trust works with each individual landowner to establish a conservation
plan that works best for them. The two most common options are fee-simple and conservation easements. + Read More
Public Benefits of Saving Land
Permanently protecting priority landscapes in Northwest Arkansas ensures the following public benefits for future generations:
Clean Water (safe drinking water and healthy aquatic habitat)
Local Farms and Rural Landscapes (working lands, and scenic areas)
Wildlife Habitat (prairies, wetlands, streams, and forests)
Access to Nature (places for hiking, mountain biking, bird-watching and connecting with nature)
+ Click here to read more about the public benefits of land conservation

Teaching Tomorrow's Leaders Today
The Kessler Mountain Outdoor Classroom and Nature Center is a community collaborative effort coordinated by the Northwest Arkansas Land Trust. The mission is to raise the next generation of conservationists through research, outreach and education. + Read More
Climate Change Initiative
“Land trusts have an important role in addressing climate change. Today, more than ever before, land protection is vital for ensuring that ecosystems and the species that depend on them will thrive tomorrow.” – Land Trust Alliance
The goal of NWALT’s Climate Change Initiative is to increase awareness and the resiliency of our local landscapes and communities to the negative impacts of climate change through strategic land conservation planning and outreach. + Read More

Clean Drinking Water Initiative
As population in Northwest Arkansas continues to grow, protecting our drinking water supply is increasingly important.
Protecting natural lands along our streams prevents pollution from entering the water. Plants absorb runoff, stop erosion and filter pollution. When we conserve these landscapes, everyone wins. Landowners are able to keep their land from washing away. Fish and other animals have clean water. People can safely enjoy paddling, swimming and fishing. And it costs less to remove the pollution from our drinking water, which saves everyone money. At the same time, we preserve our scenic views and the rural character of our communities. + Read More

West Fork-White River Initiative
The West Fork-White River Initiative is a voluntary program designed to help landowners in the West Fork of the White River watershed implement conservation and land management practices on their property to protect water quality in our region. + Read More